The CWTS, CWS, and CWT complete study guide uses a multi-modal approach to provide full coverage of the CWS-100 and CWT-100 exam objectives. The lab provides a virtual environment for users to explore, learn, and practice with hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios. The course and lab reinforce your conceptual knowledge and hands-on exercises help strengthen your practical skills. The course and lab contain resources to help you test your understanding. They allow for more efficient preparation by showing you what you already know and what you need to review as well. This course and lab use effective planning tools to practice your skills with hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios. You can access our course anytime anywhere with our mobile app.

Some of the topics covered in the course are:
- Mobile Device Management
- Design for Wireless Networking
- Radio Frequency Fundamentals
- WLAN Standards and Certifications
- Computer Networking Fundamentals
- Troubleshooting for Wireless Networking
- Communications for Wireless Networking
- Antenna Technology for Wireless Networking
- Modulation Technology for Wireless Networking
- Security Fundamentals for Wireless Networking
The CWTS, CWS, and CWT course and lab come with the following learning resources:
- 61+ Lab
- 13+ Lessons
- 220+ Quizzes
- 233+ Flashcards
- 3+ Full-length Tests
- 60+ Pre-assessments
- 60+ Post Assessments
About CWS-100 and CWT-100 Exams
CWT: Certified Wireless Technician Certification
The CWT certification is an entry-level WLAN credential conducted by CWNP. The CWT-100 exam covers a broad range of technical knowledge and regulatory requirements of the industry, including installing, evaluating and servicing the customers weighing needs.
CWS: Certified Wireless Specialist Certification
The CWS-100 exam validates the candidate’s knowledge to determine the proper applications and selection of small/light capacity, medium/heavy capacity scales, and balance products and services.
Here are the objectives covered in the CWS-100 and CWT-100 exams:
- Understand Organizational Goals – 25%
- Identify 802.11 Features and Functions – 30%
- Understand Basic RF Hardware and Functions – 15%
- Identify Wireless LAN Hardware and Software – 30%
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