Want to be a Microsoft MTA certified professional? Then uCertify is the right choice for you. You will get the skills required to pass the MTA certification exam with 98-375: HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals course and live-lab. Live-lab is real computer equipment, networked together and conveniently accessible over the Internet using virtualization. A live-lab has equipment such as a computer, server, switch or router in it that a user is free to configure. Live-lab is a unique feature provided in the courses. The auto-graded live-labs provide complete coverage of the MTA 98-375 exam objectives and help you gain knowledge on all the exam topics.

The course covers the exam objectives and trains you in the following skills:
- Events and Animations
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Improving Web Typography
- Layout for every occasion
- Getting acquainted with HTML5
- Access Data by using JavaScript
- Traversing and Modifying JavaScript
- Organizing Forms and working with Validation
- Effects, Transforms, Transitions, and Animations
uCertify uses content from best publishers and the IT industry’s instructors. They have a minimum of 15 years of real-world experience and are subject matter experts in their fields. Unlike a live class, you can study at your own pace. This creates a personal learning experience and gives you all the benefits of hands-on training with the flexibility of doing it around your schedule 24/7.
About The MTA 98-375 Exam
The MTA certification exam is administered by Microsoft. The HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals certification exam is designed for the student studying application development, academics, and developers. Although HTML is often thought of as a web technology that is rendered in a browser to produce a UI, this exam focuses on using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to develop client applications. The exam validates the skills listed below:
- Code using JavaScript
- Manage the Application Life Cycle
- Building User Interface (UI) With HTML
- Formatting User Interface with the help of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
The exam is demanded by most of the industries these days. The exam has the following career prospects:
- UI Developer
- Technical Lead
- HTML5 Developer
- HTML5 Programmer
- Full-Stack Developer
Don’t wait to enroll yourself in the uCertify courses for the best learning experience. These will help you pass the Microsoft MTA 98-375 certification exam in your first attempt.