Want to create effective Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations but don’t know how to execute that difficult task? uCertify brings you an online Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016 course covering beginner, intermediate, and advanced technologies in PowerPoint no matter you are new to PowerPoint or have some experience and want to improve your skills. The MOS 77-729 course not only helps you learn the skills of using Microsoft PowerPoint but also help you gain the Microsoft MOS certification by passing the MOS 77-729 exam.

The Microsoft Office PowerPoint cert guide offers complete coverage of the MOS 77-729 exam objectives and provides the knowledge required to create and manage presentations, insert and format text, shapes, and images, insert tables, charts, SmartArt, and media, apply transitions and animations, and manage multiple presentations. In this course, you will learn basic techniques including how to use themes and layouts, add audiovisual components to your presentations and many more. You will also learn intermediate and advanced techniques such as adding animations, printing, reusing, and copying slides and a lot more.
Here are the exam topics covered in the Microsoft Office PowerPoint MOS 77-729 certification guide:
- Mastery Builders
- Creating SmartArt
- Modifying SmartArt
- Writing Math Equations
- Annotating a Presentation
- Adding Headers and Footers
- Customizing the User Interface
- Setting PowerPoint 2016 Options
- Adding Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
- Customizing Animations and Transitions
- Modifying Slide Masters and Slide Layouts
- Modifying the Notes Master and the Handout Master
Here are the learning resources added to the Microsoft Office PowerPoint MOS 77-729 course:
- 21+ Lessons
- 106+ Quizzes
- 109+ Flashcards
- 2+ Full-length Tests
- 33+ Pre-assessments
- 33+ Post Assessments
About Microsoft Office PowerPoint MOS 77-729 Exam
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) PowerPoint 2016 certification introduce a new performance-based format for improved testing of a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to use the MOS 2016 programs. Successful candidates will have a fundamental understanding of the PowerPoint environment and demonstrate the correct application of Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016. Here are the exam objectives:
- Manage Multiple Presentations
- Apply Transitions and Animations
- Create and Manage Presentations
- Insert table, Charts, SmartArt, and Media
- Insert and Format Texts, Shapes, and Images
So, professionals get yourself enrolled in the uCertify comprehensive cert guide that will help you learn all the skills required for passing the Microsoft MOS 77-729 exam.