Data security is the prime concern for organizations these days. This is the reason that the need for highly-skilled and certified professionals is increasing. The Microsoft MTA Security Fundamentals course and performance-based labs are designed to prepare the candidates for MTA 98-367 exam objectives and enhance their understanding of the operating system security, security layers, security software, and network security. Performance-based labs simulate real-world, hardware, software & command line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course & training. The study guide gives you knowledge about the concept behind the layered security and the fundamental concepts of MTA security. The cert guide is designed to provide the skills and expertise of a candidate required for understanding security layers, operating system security, network security, and security software. The cert guide also contains live-labs as an add-on component that offers hands-on learning with real-world scenarios.

Here are the exam topics covered in the cert guide:
- Protecting a Network
- Protecting Clients and Servers
- Understanding Physical Security
- Understanding Wireless Security
- Securing Access with Permissions
- Understanding User Authentication
- Understanding Certificates and a PKI
- Understanding the Core Security Principles
- Enforcing Confidentiality with Encryption
- Understanding Internet Explorer Security
- Using Audit Policies and Network Auditing
- Understanding Malware and Social Engineering
Our courses are designed to meet the needs of students, instructors, and institutions. uCertify courses work with self-paced, guided, and instructor-led training and are accessible to students with special needs.
About The MTA 98-367 Exam
Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification is an entry-level training program designed to ensure proficiency and skills in technical knowledge in the field of:
- Security
- Database
- Networking
- Web development
- System administration
- Windows development
- Understanding the fundamentals of the technical concept
This certification is targeted at professionals seeking to prove their expertise in the fundamental concepts of security and management.
So, professionals out there don’t waste your time and start preparing for the Microsoft MTA certification exam with the uCertify cert guide and pass the exam with flying colors.